At Home Network

Premium residential properties

Let us guide you home

We partner with you throughout your home search

At Home Network

Discover home trends in your market

Hand-selected by our local experts, we provide the most sought-after properties around.

At Home Network

Agents who know the market best

On-the-ground teams support our knowledgeable agents in serving each location with precision and nuance.

At Home Network

Find us in Central East Europe

A real estate agency with a purpose. Our mission is to help everyone find their place in Europe.

At Home is providing a full range of real estate services in the residential property market of Central Eastern Europe spanning 5 capitals in the region up to date. In all our business dealings we insist on the highest standards of professionalism, reliability and availability. Our engagements are with expatriates and businesspeople who embrace the in-depth market knowledge and full-time assistance our experienced team provides. We believe people who worry less about finding a new home, will have more time to discover the opportunities our beautiful cities have to offer.

Our Team

Mező Zoltán

Mező Zoltán

Managing Director of At Home Network
Gálya Anikó

Gálya Anikó

Managing Director of At Home
Szelevényi Judit

Szelevényi Judit

Property Manager
Szabó Dömötör

Szabó Dömötör

Sales Director
Fömötör Judit

Fömötör Judit

Director of the Sales Department
Amy Nam

Amy Nam

real estate manager
Zárolt Rácz Olivér

Zárolt Rácz Olivér

Property Manager
Klein Judit

Klein Judit


Take a moment to learn what the real people think about us

Just a quick note to say thank you for your help in finding the new apartment. You very patiently took us around a lot of places and I’m delighted with where we have ended up – it’s going to be perfect! Thanks for all your help and best wishes for the year ahead.
Alex, Tesco
Thank you so much for you message, patience and affection throughout all of this time. You have made a very positive impression on us all; you are a great representative of the kindness and friendliness of Hungarians. Do not worry, we'll keep you in mind next time any of our staff need to find a place in Budapest.
Rodrigo Sousa – Brazilian Embassy
I will keep your contact info and will share with the new colleagues that will be arriving shortly. Of all the agents I have worked with you are at the top of the ranking list! :-) I want to especially thank you for your kind assistance.
Rebeca – UN
I really appreciated your support until I find out the apartment. Of course, I will introduce you to my colleague who is moving to Hungary.
Jinchul Lee – SK Battery

Featured On

The press has been covering our growth.

The New York Times
Financial Times
Piac & Profit


Partner with trusted talent

Gálya Anikó
Managing Director of At Home
Fömötör Judit
Director of the Sales Department
Szűcs Richárd
Szabó Dömötör
Sales Director
Mező Zoltán
Managing Director of At Home Network
AtHome Agent
sales assistant
Folytán Alice
Real Estate Specialist
Szelevényi Judit
Property Manager
Róth Ilona
Communications Associate
Domokos Márta
Key Account Manager
Neurohr Dóra
Real Estate Specialist
Amy Nam
real estate manager
Zárolt Rácz Olivér
Property Manager
Kukoricza Anna
Real Estate Manager