Moving to Budapest
Housing & Utilities
Before you come to live in Budapest, it is good to make a budget plan to see how you can cover the living costs here
Beyond Budapest
Budapest is not the only fascinating cultural destination in Hungary. If you want to go beyond the touristy sights, here is a cool list of unique or unusual places on the country side.
Sightseeing in Budapest
There are many sights to see while visiting Budapest, we collected the most famous and beautiful ones, that are must-see
Budapest Guide
Budapest offers a variety of beautiful theaters, find the best places
Fun with kids
Budapest has many opportunities for families too for both warm and cold days.
Do you like your little pet close to you? We can give you hints on where to go with all your needs let that be a pub, café, dog park or a vet.
Dining & Cuisine
Budapest offers a wide variety of fine dining restaurants, but it is good to know what our specialities mean
You need the best healthcare for you and your family, here are the places where they give you the best treatment and speak proper English
Where to buy groceries, furniture and many more in Budapest
Public transportation
Budapest is a sprawling metropolis with several lines available to passengers. Opting for BKK (local commuting service provider) is a fast, practical and pretty cheap option