Energy Certificate
Prior to selling your Hungarian home you have to have an energy performance certificate which is registered at the regional registry (176/2008 Government Enactment). The regulation to acquire the consumption performance certificate refers to properties for sale at the moment but soon this obligation will refer also to rentals. Therefore it is good to know some important details.
55% greatly energy saving
56-75% energy saving
76-95% better than required
96-100% meeting requirements
101-120% near requirements
121-150 % better than average
151-190% average
191-250% near average
251-250% weak
341% bad
What is the energy certificate and what is it good for ?
It is called the „green card” and it contains all the energetical information regarding the property. It gives detailed information about how economical the property is from the point of view of its heating, cooling, providing hot water, ventilation and illumination.Moreover it gives advice about the ways of improvement in these features.
The certificate shows the energy consumption of the given building as opposed to the requirements a newly built building of the same size and function must meet. The range goes form A+ to I similarly to electric household devices.
What are the cases when you DON’T need to have an energy certificate ?
In case of a purchase made before the issuing of the occupancy permit.
If an owner with part-ownership acquires another part of the same building after paying its offset.
If the private person can not meet his / her obligations deriving from a credit agreement.
Which properties do NOT need the certificate ?
Buildings with less than 50 m2 useful floor area.
For buildings used for less than 4 months a year or designed for less than 2 years use or are used for religious purposes.
For buildings which are registered as architecturally protected buildings by law or can be found in an area which is architecturally protected .
For buildings with agricultural use, workrooms and tent structures
The sales contract always has to contain a reference whether the energy certificate must be acquired or not for the given property. The Energy Certificate must be handed in to the Land Registry Office together with the sales contract, therefore it is worth getting 2 or 3 copies of. For properties for rent only contracts concluded after 31.December 2015 need to have an Energy Certificate.